The Importance of Newborn Photography: Freezing Time for Families

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I'm a mom, just like you. I've blinked and my 3 boys have jumped from babies to kids and I wholeheartedly agree believe that creating & capturing special memories together matters more than anything.

hi, i'm paige!

Hey there, new parents! Let’s talk about the importance of newborn photography and why these fleeting moments matter so much.

Being a new parent is tough. It goes by way faster and way slower than you ever thought it could. One minute you’re drowning in dirty diapers and spit-up, the next you’re wondering where your tiny baby went as you look at a growing toddler. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, and sometimes it feels like you’re just hanging on for dear life.

But here’s the thing – amidst all the chaos and overwhelm, there are these incredible moments of joy. Moments where you look at your baby and your heart feels like it might burst. Moments where you catch your partner gently rocking the baby to sleep and you think, “Wow, we made this.” Moments where your older kid is peering curiously at their new sibling, trying to figure out this strange new creature in their life.

The Value of Newborn Photography

Family of four posing on bed, older son and dad hugging mom,  mom snuggling newborn
A newborn completes the family picture in ways you never imagined

These are the moments we want to freeze in time. After all, in the day-to-day grind of parenthood, it’s easy to miss the really important stuff. Before you know it, you might blink and suddenly realize your newborn isn’t so new anymore.

That’s where photography comes in. 

The Importance of Newborn Photography in Preserving Memories

Think about it like this – you know how people post their highlight reels on Instagram? All their best moments, carefully curated to make their life look perfect? Well, what if you could have your own personal highlight reel, right there on your walls?

Imagine walking past a beautiful photo of your family every day. In that photo, your baby is tiny and new, your older kid is beaming with pride, and you and your partner look tired but radiant with love. Even on the toughest days, when you’re at the bottom of the motherhood rollercoaster, that photo is there to remind you of the joy, the love, and the incredible journey you’re on.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But I look terrible! I haven’t slept in days, I’m still in my maternity clothes, and I can’t remember the last time I washed my hair.” Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there. But here’s a secret – years from now, when you look at that photo, you won’t see the dark circles under your eyes or the spit-up on your shirt. You’ll see the love. You’ll see the connection. You’ll see a moment in time when your family was embarking on this amazing new adventure together.

And your kids? They’ll treasure these photos. They’ll look at them and see how loved they were from the very beginning. They’ll see the joy on your face as you held them. They’ll see the story of their family, right from the start.

Why Professional Newborn Photography Matters

So, what can you expect from a newborn photo session? Well, it’s not about perfectly posed babies in fancy props (unless that’s your thing, in which case, go for it!). It’s about capturing real moments. The way your baby curls up on your chest. The proud smile on your older kid’s face as they hold their sibling for the first time. The look you and your partner share over the baby’s head that says, “Can you believe we made this?”

Newborn photography matters: preserving family connections

It’s about creating a space where you can relax and just be with your family. Where you can take a breath and really soak in these fleeting moments. And yes, there will probably be crying (maybe from the baby, maybe from you – it’s all good). There will definitely be diaper changes and feeding breaks. But that’s all part of your story, and it’s beautiful.

Remember, this isn’t about creating perfect images for social media. This is about creating memories for you and your family. It’s about hitting pause on the chaos for just a moment and saying, “This. This is us. This is our family. And it’s amazing.”

So, new parents, consider giving yourself this gift. Not just the gift of photos, but the gift of time. Time to pause and really see your family as it is right now. Time to celebrate the incredible thing you’ve done in bringing this new life into the world. Time to create memories that will bring you joy for years to come.

Because trust me, one day you’ll blink and your newborn will be heading off to kindergarten. And you’ll be so glad you have these photos to look back on and remember when they were small enough to fit in the crook of your arm.

The Newborn Stage: Blink and You’ll Miss It

Let’s talk about how fast this newborn stage flies by. One day you’re bringing home this tiny, wrinkly human who does nothing but eat, sleep, and cry. The next, they’re smiling, cooing, and before you know it, rolling over. 

Those first few weeks are a whirlwind. You’re running on little sleep, lots of coffee, and an overwhelming amount of love. It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day and forget to really soak it all in. That’s why capturing these moments is so crucial.

Remember how your baby’s hands were so tiny they could barely wrap around your finger? How about that milk-drunk smile after a good feeding? Or the way they’d curl up on your chest, fitting perfectly like they were always meant to be there? These are the details that fade so quickly from our sleep-deprived brains. But a photo? A photo can bring it all rushing back.

What to Expect in a Newborn Session

Understanding what to expect shows why professional newborn photography can be so meaningful. Now, let’s break down what actually happens in a newborn photo session. First off, forget everything you’ve seen on Pinterest with babies perfectly posed in baskets or wrapped up like burritos (unless that’s your thing, then we can totally do that!).

A real newborn session is messy, unpredictable, and absolutely beautiful. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Lots of breaks: Babies run the show here. If your little one needs to eat, we stop for a feeding. Diaper explosion? No problem, we’ll take a break to clean up. This session moves at your baby’s pace, not ours.

2. Family shots: This isn’t just about the baby. We want to capture your whole family in this moment. That means shots with mom, dad, siblings, and even pets if they’re up for it.

3. Details, details, details: Those tiny toes, button nose, wispy hair – we’ll capture all those little details you want to remember forever.

4. Lifestyle moments: Forget stiff poses. We’re talking about capturing you rocking the baby to sleep, breastfeeding, touching your nose to theirs, or stealing a quiet moment together as a family.

5. Time: These sessions can take a while. We usually plan for an hour and a half for our mini session and 3 hours for a full to allow for all those necessary breaks and to ensure we get those perfect, peaceful moments.

Why You Need to Be in the Photos

How Newborn Photography Benefits Your Family

New mother cradling newborn baby in her arms

Okay, moms (and dads!), this part is for you. I know you’re exhausted. I know you might not feel like you look your best. But please, please be in these photos.

Your kids aren’t going to look at these pictures years from now and critique your appearance. They’re going to see the love in your eyes. They’re going to see how carefully you held them, how tenderly you gazed at them. They’re going to see a parent who was there from day one, loving them fiercely.

These photos aren’t about how you look. They’re about the connection, the love, the start of this incredible journey. So push aside those insecurities and get in the frame. I promise you won’t regret it and if you don’t take them now you can’t go back in time later.

The Power of Printed Photos

In this digital age, it’s easy to take hundreds of photos on our phones and never do anything with them. But there’s something magical about having physical prints of your favorite moments. This is where newborn photography really shows its worth.

Imagine walking down your hallway and seeing a beautiful portrait of your family when your youngest was just days old. Or flipping through an album on your coffee table, reliving those early days. These aren’t just decorations – they’re daily reminders of the love in your family.

When you’re having a tough day (because let’s face it, parenting isn’t always Instagram-perfect), these photos can be a powerful pick-me-up. They’re like your own personal highlight reel, reminding you of the joy and love that’s always there, even on the hard days.

Preparing for Your Session

If you’ve decided to go for it and book a newborn session (good for you!), here are a few tips to help you prepare:

1. Timing is key:

The ideal time for newborn photos is within the first two weeks. Babies are usually sleepiest and most flexible during this time. HOWEVER- we truly believe there is no bad time to photograph your baby, so if you’re already outside that window, no worries- it’s not too late.

2. Feeding and Comfort Tips:

A full baby is a happy baby. Try to time a feeding right before the session starts.

Discuss with your photographer prior to the session whether you’d like to have breastfeeding documented or would prefer privacy during this time. Be prepared to feed the baby during the session (yes, even if you fed them right at the start) because modeling is hard work.

3. Dressing for Success

Dress comfortably: This goes for everyone. Neutral colors work best, and make sure you’re comfortable. No one looks good if they’re fidgeting in uncomfortable clothes. (Psst… we also have an entire client closet of postpartum friendly dresses included with your session fee)

4. Prepare older siblings:

If you have older kids, talk to them about the session beforehand. And parents- adjust your expectations. Siblings often can be the hardest parts of newborn sessions. Try to remember that their tiny world has just been completely turned upside down. Provide snacks, cuddles and lots of patience and love.

Father lifting older child in airplane position
Big siblings need special moments too

5. Hire a professional newborn photography specialist:

Remember, an experienced photographer has seen it all. Crying, spit-up, diaper blowouts – it’s all part of the newborn stage, and it’s all okay. That’s why you’re hiring a newborn photography specialist and not your wedding photographer that you already know, like and trust.

Investing in Lifelong Memories

Look, I get it. Professional photography can feel like a big investment, especially when you’re already buying diapers by the truckload and wondering if you’ll ever sleep again. But here’s the thing – you’re not just paying for photos. You’re investing in memories.

You’re investing in the ability to freeze time, just for a moment. To capture your family exactly as it is right now, in all its beautiful, chaotic, love-filled glory. You’re giving your kids the gift of seeing how loved they were from the very beginning.

And let’s be real – you’re also giving yourself a gift. The gift of being able to look back on these days when you’re in the thick of it and remember the good stuff. The snuggles, the tiny yawns, the way your partner looked at your baby like they were the most precious thing in the world (because they are).

Close-up of newborn features in a parents hands

The Long-Term Value of Professional Newborn Photos

Your Story, Captured

At the end of the day, newborn photography isn’t about perfect poses or fancy props. It’s about telling your family’s story. It’s about capturing the love, the joy, the exhaustion, and the wonder of bringing a new life into the world.

Years from now, when your baby is grown (because they will, in the blink of an eye), you’ll have these photos to look back on. You’ll remember how small they once were, how they fit perfectly in your arms. You’ll remember the way your older child gently kissed their new sibling’s head. You’ll remember the look you shared with your partner, equal parts terror and absolute love.

The significance of newborn photography often becomes more apparent as your children grow. The little things that, when added up, tell the story of your family. And that story? It’s worth capturing. It’s worth remembering. It’s worth celebrating.

So here’s to you, new parents. Here’s to the sleepless nights and the coffee-fueled days. Here’s to the tiny diapers and the big emotions. Here’s to the beginning of your family’s next great adventure.

And here’s to freezing time, just for a moment, so you can hold onto these precious early days forever. Because trust me, one day you’ll blink and your newborn will be asking for the car keys. And you’ll be so, so glad you have these photos to look back on and remember when they were small enough to hold in your hands, but big enough to hold your entire heart.

Ready to book your Boise newborn session? Get on the books early and take advantage of our baby registry or affirm payment plans!


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