Navigating New Motherhood: Boredom and Bliss as a First-Time Stay-at-Home Mom

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I'm a mom, just like you. I've blinked and my 3 boys have jumped from babies to kids and I wholeheartedly agree believe that creating & capturing special memories together matters more than anything.

hi, i'm paige!

I was sitting there with my newborn baby boy, staring at his beautiful face thinking…

“what day is it? and wow, did I really just watch all 12 seasons of Bones over the last 3 days?”

Becoming a first-time stay-at-home mom was a dream I’d had for years, imagining days filled with snuggles, giggles, and endless bonding with my newborn. However, as I sat there in my milk stained clothes and messy mom bun I was bouncing between moments of boredom and wondering where the time had gone.

smiling picture of a newborn baby

Why the New Mom Boredom Strikes and Time Flies:

  1. Monotonous Routine: The monotony of daily tasks—feeding, changing diapers, and soothing a crying baby—seemed to blend together into an endless cycle, making each day feel like a replay of the one before. Haven’t I already watched this episode???
  2. Serious Lack of Adult Interaction: I couldn’t wait for my husband to get home each day just to have someone to talk to besides the baby and the dog. I attribute my eldest son’s early talking to how often he had to listen to me endlessly ramble at him to pass each day.
  3. Overwhelming Demands: The constant demands of motherhood left little room for any “me” time because it was all “him” time. With each passing day, I found myself wondering where the hours had disappeared.
  4. Neglecting My Own Needs: Amidst the chaos of caring for a newborn, prioritizing self-care felt like an unattainable luxury. The lack of “me-time” left me feeling exhausted and yearning for a break.
  5. Pressure to Excel: The pressure to be a perfect mom, both from society and from myself, really got to me. Trying to live up to impossible standards just made me feel even more inadequate.

Ideas to Beat the Boredom:

1. Reach Out: First things first, connect with other new moms. Finding some mom friends who are going through the same sleepless nights and diaper dilemmas can be a game-changer. Join online mom groups or attend local baby classes— it’s gonna probably be a little awkward at first, but finding your people is so worth it.

2. Mix It Up: Break out of that baby routine and try something new with your babe. Whether it’s a stroll around the block, a mini photoshoot at home, or a trip to the zoo (even when you know they’re too little to see the animals) mixing things up can keep things interesting for both of you.

3. Me-Time Magic: Don’t forget to carve out some “me-time” whenever you can. Even if it’s just a quick shower while your tiny human naps or indulging in some guilty pleasure TV shows during those midnight feedings, taking care of yourself is key to staying sane. I personally was a big fan of trashy paranormal romance novels on kindle unlimited… beautiful vampires somehow made those long nights of clusterfeeds more tolerable.

4. Outdoor Adventures: Being cooped up indoors all day can make anyone stir-crazy. So, bundle up your little burrito and head outside for some fresh air. Even just a few minutes in the backyard or a stroll around the block can do wonders for your mood (and your baby’s too!). My second son was such an outdoors kid that even just stepping out the front door calmed him down when it seemed nothing else could soothe him.

5. Embrace the Chaos: Let’s be real, motherhood is messy, chaotic, and filled with surprises. So, why not embrace the madness? Instead of stressing over the pile of laundry that’s threatening to take over your living room, turn on some music and have a dance party with your tiny sidekick. What’s that saying? “Quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep. I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.”

As I rapidly approach my first son’s 12th birthday I find myself longing for those days that I thought would never end and yet went by way, way too fast. Even though there were tough times and plenty of boredom, being a mom taught me a lot. It showed me how strong I can be, how patient I am, and how much love I have to give. Even when the days seem to blend together, there’s always something special waiting to be found—a reminder of the amazing journey of being a mom.


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