February 20, 2021 UPDATE- I am excited to announce that on top of the precautions listed below, I am also now fully vaccinated!
Our in-home Boise Idaho photography studio is currently open for newborn & sitter sessions, however all family and maternity photography sessions have been moved outdoors until further notice.
We are currently booking Boise newborn photography sessions for March 2021 and beyond.
We are a low volume studio so the people in and out of our space is minimal. Please inquiry early as we are taking fewer sessions than ever to keep everyone safe.
The number 1 priority at Glean & Co is and has always been to keep our tiniest clients safe.
We have always:
-Washed hands before the start of sessions + throughout as needed. Hand sanitizer is also used throughout session.
-Washed and sanitized all props, headbands, wraps and backgrounds between sessions.
-Thoroughly cleaned the studio between clients and before the start of each session.
The following are additional steps we are taking to ensure the safety of our own families as well as yours:
-Immediate family only. Please no grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins at this time unless they are also being photographed with your baby.
-Please remove your shoes before coming into the studio
-Masks are required for everyone over the age of 2. We will remove masks only while having your photos taken. Photographer will wear mask throughout session.
-We ask that you wash your hands upon entering the studio. You will also have access to hand sanitizer at all times.
-In an effort to remain distant, photographer will give verbal instructions to adjust hair and clothing for adults being photographed.
-Studio sessions will be spaced a minimum of 48 hours apart from each other to ensure adequate time to sanitize between clients.
-Photographer and clients both agree that they will reschedule the session should any family member be exposed to a Covid-19 positive patient within 14 days of session or experience any symptoms themselves.
A final note: Our Boise Idaho photography studio is located at the very front of our home, the bathroom is also right at the entrance. That being said, the studio is still within our home where I live with my husband and our 3 children. Much like you’re concerned with the safety and welfare of your new baby, I’m concerned with the safety for my own. I believe that if we all follow these guidelines and are transparent about our potential exposure risks we can safely continue to photograph sessions.
We’re all in this together! Please help me to keep everyone safe by following these rules.
Want to read more about newborn safety? You can read all about our safety procedures here or check out this link from the experts over at APNPI
Please email us at hello@gleanandco.com if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to SAFELY photographing your newest family member.