What type of photographer should you hire? (Spoiler alert, we’re not all the same)
I’m going to break down 4 different types of newborn photography as well as tell you the differences between the 2 most popular pricing and delivery models. Because, well, we’re different! And everyone out there is different, and what you want for your baby may not be what your best friend wants or what your neighbor down the street wants.

Types of Newborn Photography:
1. Studio
2. Lifestyle
3. Outdoor
4. A blend of these!
Newborn Photography Pricing Models:
1. In Person Service
2. Shoot & Share
When you can understand the differences it’s so much easier to pick and choose what type and what model works best for your family, leaving you with the images that you’ll love and cherish long after your baby is out of diapers.
Tomorrow I’ll to tell you all about Studio Newborn photography, in the meantime- take our quiz to find out your newborn photography style!