Baby Photography Mistake #5:⠀
Believing you need fancy equipment and all the things.⠀
When I had my first baby I wanted alllllllll the things. The crib, the swing, the carrier, the snot sucker, the stroller, etc etc. And of course, I wanted them to be brand new (I know, I’m a total snob, but really who wants a used snot sucker??? ????)⠀
And then I realized I didn’t use half the things we purchased. And I just as easily could have picked up things very lightly used for considerably cheaper.⠀
The same is true for photography. I felt like I needed alllllll the props to be successful. Of course I needed a new camera and probably a new lens, a heart bowl, a special bucket, fancy posing beans and wraps, hats and headbands galore.⠀
But the truth is you don’t! Especially if you’re only taking photos of your own baby and have no plans to go into business as a newborn photographer.⠀
You absolutely can use the camera you have on hand (yes, even if that’s your phone) and items from around your house to capture beautiful photos of your new baby.
This tiny tootsie shot was taken with a fuzzy throw blanket I bought on sale from @potterybarn a couple years ago. It’s one of my go-to neutrals for detail shots ????????