It’s easy to love our babies; it’s not always easy to feed them. Every mother’s story of feeding her baby is different, special, and deserves to be documented. For some mothers and babies, breastfeeding comes easy and is a treasured experience. For others, it’s a struggle—for so many reasons. But whatever your story, we believe it’s beautiful and that your feeding journey should be remembered. That’s why we offer to document your feeding journey with our unique Boise Idaho breastfeeding photography sessions.

Why is a Breastfeeding Photo Session Important?
Just like your wedding day, pregnancy, or the arrival of your newborn, having photos of this time is important. More than that, it’s irreplaceable. We document so that we can look back on these fleeting periods of our lives.
Telling your story to others matters. Often we keep our stories to ourselves, not realizing that our story may be exactly what someone else needs. Your story can make a difference to other moms. It may help them to know who to go to for help or even that they need help in the first place.
Breastfeeding photography sessions document a special bond between parent and baby. This little bundle of joy relies entirely on you to provide for them.

Archer’s Story
Archer and his identical twin brother Brady were born three months early in December of 2021 after a late diagnosed blood shift in the pregnancy caused devastating repercussions.
“Brady, shortly after you were born, we were told we would have less than a week with you. But you fought, and you fought, and you fought. And together, we fought with you, knowing this was your story to write. Each day we fed you not just milk but relentless strength and enduring love. Little did we know that you were the one feeding us. Some of us need 70 years to change the world, but you did it in only 17 days.”
Archer spent another 80 days in the NICU, learning to breath and eat on his own, finally getting to go home in March 2022.
“Archer, cuddles and smiles now abound when you feed, but it was not always so. Shortly after leaving NICU, feeding became incredibly painful for you. Then began our long journey of hospitalizations, tests, and therapy. Through it all you have persisted. We now have a routine where you and I cuddle for a breastfeed, then dad takes over for a tube feed while sister keeps you entertained and giggling. Feeding has become a bonding experience for the whole family as we feed you with love.”
Archer is now a growing 7-month-old who breastfeeds and continues to use a NG tube to supplement. We loved spending time with Archer and his family in a beautiful outdoor setting, documenting part of his feeding journey. His story is amazing—and so is yours!

Need help with feeding?
If you feel like you could use some support, check out Whole Child Feeding Therapy, a brand new Boise Idaho business designed to empower families in their feeding journey. We met with one of the owners, Kristen, and instantly wished we would have had her around when we were struggling to feed our new babies! She is a wealth of knowledge, so kind and passionate about helping families feed their babies. Plus they come to YOU. How nice is that?

Feeding babies is beautiful. Whether you’re breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping or tube feeding we’d love to help you document your journey. Our feeding book project, Fed, With Love is now live and ready for applications! Visit us here to learn more and apply for your spot.