Want to successfully take your own DIY Newborn Photos? We have the Solution

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I'm a mom, just like you. I've blinked and my 3 boys have jumped from babies to kids and I wholeheartedly agree believe that creating & capturing special memories together matters more than anything.

hi, i'm paige!

Want to successfully take your own DIY Newborn Photos? We have the solution.

The Repercussions of Covid-19 on the Newborn Photography Industry…and my response as a business owner, photographer and fellow mom:

2020 meant I missed out on taking some seriously amazing newborn photos. For my brother, my good friends, and for seasoned clients. 

Lockdown meant I couldn’t take any “Fresh 48” photos, and neither could any other professionals.

I knew families could take their own photos at the hospital, and I spent hours talking clients through it, so much so that I created a DIY newborn hospital photography freebie. 

My expecting clients were in a panic, wondering if this all would be over by the time they were ready to give birth. Ah, the optimism of March, when we hoped COVID-19 would be just a blip! 

The newborn photography industry reeled when COVID-19 hit and our world turned upside down. Photographers were being asked by their clients to break the law and sneak into the hospital to take photos. 

And I’m with them- these images are that important!

What Happened:

Professionals around the world considered lending out expensive cameras and handmade props, just so clients could attempt to take something that vaguely resembled the shoot that we had planned. 

These parents were sucked into the hole of panic-buying cute wraps and headbands, spending hundreds of dollars on backdrops, and wondering whether it would be safe to squish their baby into a metal bucket or suspend them from a birch branch.

(spoiler alert: that’s NEVER okay, and it’s not how professional newborn photographers create those photos anyway.)

We professionals dreaded dealing with the aftermath of families who took their own photos. And here’s why. There’s not much that can be done if a photo is taken badly in the first place.  

Editing is the polish that a magician needs to take them from awkward party tricks in the living room with Uncle Joe to sets at Vegas 5 nights a week in front of a packed audience. If you don’t know how the pros weave their magic to begin with, that polish just doesn’t matter. 

If you knew what professionals have up their sleeve as they run a newborn photoshoot, you would see why some of these poses are remarkably easy in your own home with your own camera (or even a smart phone).

And you don’t need 87 wraps and a fancy bucket (although don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for a cute wrap and my studio is filled with ones I haven’t even used yet. Don’t judge me!)

Our solution for new moms:

If you’re the creative-type who has had a Pinterest board for the nursery since before the 2 lines turned pink and you desperately want to showcase your beautiful baby with pride, then there’s no reason you can’t learn to create amazing display-worthy images.

But it’s unfair to expect you to do that without first showing you what’s behind the curtain.

You absolutely can create images for your nursery wall that will make friends and family gasp when you proudly ‘admit’ you took them yourself.  

 Do you think you have what it takes? I do.

Join our online Do-It-Yourself newborn photography course. This course is designed specifically with new moms in mind to ensure they can safely and easily understand all the tricks and poses needed to create display-worthy photos of their new baby. And if you happen to be an aspiring photographer, you can walk away with solid tricks of the trade.

Don’t take my word for it, take Kaylas:

Oh my gosh!!! Paige, there are not enough words! My husband and I just cried seeing these. We honestly were so distressed that we wouldn’t have nice newborn photos of her, and neither one of us are photographers by any stretch! Thank you, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to learn and create lovely pictures. 

Things I really loved about the course:

  • The ease of access and how user-friendly it is
  • Tips that you honestly just can’t find on the internet (without having to sift and devote tons of time to)
  • Camera settings and ability to apply to both camera AND camera phone
  • Detailed information all the way down to accessories

Ready to create your own display-worthy newborn photos, safely, from the comfort of your own home? Click here and Join Now.


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